The physical dimension of this project has endeavoured to be as sustainable as possible.

The material for the costume was provided Cofresco Foodservice and their compostable cling film. By turning the cling film into a long thick thread it was possible to crochet the material into a fully wearable dress. The dress is planned to be used at later events across the University to ensure that it is not a single use item. We hope to eventually compost the dress and use time lapse to watch the dress return to nature.
The iPads used in this dress were not purchased new but are part of a set of tablets used by Salford Business School among academic staff. After the event these tables will be returned to the pool and continue to be used in their intended way.
The badges attached to the dress have been created in the University of Salford Makerspace with a laser cutter and double sided acrylic. With the laser cutter it is possible to line up materials visually and cut from scrap and offcuts used for larger projects. The URL of the badges point to URLs in a custom-written URL redirector. This means that the badges and the urls can be reused indefinitely for other projects as it is simply a case of updating the final destination URL in the software whenever it is required. The badges can then be used for any events hosted by the University or its partners.
The remaining resources for this project were entirely digital – and while digital artefacts also have an environmental impact every effort was made to be efficient in the application of resources and in ways the encourage reuse of the materials created. For example the multi-choice questions for the sustainability paper will be used in the future as part of the learning resources offered as part of the textbook of which it is a part.
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